relationships Love Quotes
Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Pinterest WhatsApp Easily Share, on any Platform just click On above button"We maintain relationships; we don't change friends and love throughout our lives."ہم رکھتے ہیں تعلق تو نبھاتے…
Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Pinterest WhatsApp Easily Share, on any Platform just click On above button"We maintain relationships; we don't change friends and love throughout our lives."ہم رکھتے ہیں تعلق تو نبھاتے…
Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Pinterest WhatsApp "If I got upset, he didn't try to pacify me, and he started showing hatred without even expressing it."For More Quotes Click Hereمیں روٹھا تو…
Allow relationships to not be wasted in constraints, as constraints will eventually cease to exist, but relationships may not be easily rekindled. مخلص رشتوں کو مجبوریوں میں ضائع نہ ہونے…
Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Pinterest WhatsApp I laugh and forget all the things.That doesn't mean you don't feel at the heart.ہنس کر بھول جاتا ہوں ساری باتیںاس کا مطلب یہ نہیں…
Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Pinterest WhatsApp بہت تکلیف دیتے ہیں وہ زخم جو بنا قصور ملے ہوںbahat taklif dete hain wah zakhm joe banaa qasur mille hoonThe wounds that have been…