Digital Signature Tool

Digital Signature Tool

Draw your signature below:

Digital Signature Tool User Manual

Table of Contents


Welcome to the Digital Signature Tool! This tool allows you to create and save digital signatures with ease. Follow the instructions below to get started.

Getting Started

  1. Access the Tool:

    • Open the Digital Signature Tool in a web browser.
  2. Canvas Area:

    • You’ll see a canvas area with the title “Digital Signature Tool” and instructions to draw your signature.

Drawing Your Signature

  1. Initiate Drawing:

    • Click and hold the left mouse button on the canvas to initiate drawing.
  2. Draw Your Signature:

    • Move the mouse to draw your signature on the canvas.
  3. Complete Drawing:

    • Release the mouse button to stop drawing.

Clearing the Canvas

  1. Clear Button:
    • To clear the entire canvas and start over:
      • Click the “Clear” button.

Saving Your Signature

  1. Save Button:

    • To save your signature as an image:
      • Click the “Save Signature” button.
  2. Download Signature:

    • A download will start automatically, saving your signature as a PNG image.
  3. View Saved Signature:

    • Open the downloaded image to view and use your digital signature.