Password Generator User Manual

Table of Contents


The Password Generator is a simple tool that allows you to create strong and secure passwords quickly. This manual will guide you through the interface and its various features.

Getting Started

Accessing the Password Generator

To access the Password Generator, follow these steps:

  1. Open a web browser on your computer or mobile device.
  2. Enter the URL or open the HTML file where the Password Generator is hosted.

Generating a Password

Follow these steps to generate a password:

  1. You will see a user interface with the following elements:

    • A text input box to display the generated password.
    • A “Generate Password” button to create a new password.
    • An input field for setting the password length.
    • Checkboxes to include uppercase letters, lowercase letters, numbers, and symbols in the password.
    • A “Copy Password” button to copy the generated password to your clipboard.
    • A “Reset Fields” button to clear the input fields.
  2. Set the password length using the input field. You can choose a length between 4 and 20 characters.

  3. Select the character sets you want to include in your password. By default, lowercase letters and numbers are selected. You can choose to include uppercase letters and symbols as well.

  4. Click the “Generate Password” button. The generated password will appear in the input box.


Password Length

You can specify the length of the password you want to generate. The password length can be set to any value between 4 and 20 characters.

Character Sets

You can select which character sets to include in your password:

  • Include Uppercase Letters: Check this option to include uppercase letters (e.g., A-Z).
  • Include Lowercase Letters: This option is selected by default and includes lowercase letters (e.g., a-z).
  • Include Numbers: This option is selected by default and includes numbers (e.g., 0-9).
  • Include Symbols: Check this option to include symbols (e.g., !@#$%^&*()_+).

Copying and Resetting Passwords

Copy Password

After generating a password, you can quickly copy it to your clipboard for use in other applications or websites:

  1. Click the “Copy Password” button.
  2. The generated password will be copied to your clipboard and can be pasted into password fields of your choice.

Reset Fields

If you want to clear the input fields and start fresh:

  1. Click the “Reset Fields” button.
  2. The password length and character set options will be reset to their default values.

Mobile Responsiveness

The Password Generator is designed to work on both desktop and mobile devices. On smaller screens, all buttons will be displayed individually in a column, allowing you to easily access the functionality.


If you encounter any issues with the Password Generator, please ensure that your web browser is up to date. If problems persist, consider reaching out to the developer for assistance.


The Password Generator is a handy tool for creating strong and secure passwords. With its user-friendly interface and customizable options, you can quickly generate passwords tailored to your specific needs.