Simple Percentage Calculator

What is A% Of B

Result =

A is What Percent of B

Result =

A What Percent Increase/Decrease To B

Result =

Markup Percentage Calculator

Result =

Percentage Calculator User Manual

Calculator 1: Simple Percentage Calculator

Description: Calculator 1 is designed for basic percentage calculations, allowing you to find the result of a percentage of a given value.

How to Use:

1. Enter the “Base Value” in the first input box. This represents the initial value you want to calculate a percentage of.

2. Enter the “Percentage” in the second input box. This is the percentage you want to calculate.

3. Click the “Calculate” button, and the result will be displayed in the “Text Value” input box.

Calculator 2: Percentage of Total Calculator

Description: Calculator 2 calculates what percentage a value (A) is of another value (B).

How to Use:

1. Enter “A” (the value you want to find the percentage of) in the first input box.

2. Enter “B” (the total value) in the second input box.

3. Click the “Calculate” button, and the result will be displayed as “A is X% of B.”

Calculator 3: Percentage Increase/Decrease Calculator

Description: Calculator 3 calculates the percentage increase or decrease from one value (A) to another value (B).

How to Use:

1. Enter the initial value “A” in the first input box.

2. Enter the final value “B” in the second input box.

3. Click the “Calculate” button, and the result will indicate whether it’s an increase, decrease, or no change, along with the percentage.

Calculator 4: Markup Percentage Calculator

Description: Calculator 4 calculates the markup percentage between the cost price and the selling price of a product.

How to Use:

1. Enter the “Cost Price” (the original price you paid for a product) in the first input box.

2. Enter the “Selling Price” (the price at which you’re selling the product) in the second input box.

3. Click the “Calculate” button, and the result will show the markup percentage.

General Usage Tips:

Ensure that you enter valid numeric values in the input boxes to get accurate results.

If the input is invalid, the calculator will display “Invalid input.”
 The results are displayed in the “Text Value” input box for Calculator 1 and in a format relevant to the calculation for the other calculators.
Feel free to use these calculators for various percentage-related calculations in your daily activities.

With these instructions, you should be able to use the four calculators effectively for various percentage calculations.